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Memorandum Letter to Prime Minister of Nepal

The Rt. Honorable Prime Minister of Nepal

KP Sharma Oli

Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers

Singh Durbar

P.O. Box: 23312

Kathmandu, Nepal


Memorandum Letter

for Nepali Dual Citizenship by descent to Foster Lasting Relationships, Boost Nation’s Prosperity, and Preserve Cultural Ties


ज्ञापन पत्र

वंशजको आधारमा नेपाली दोहोरो नागरिकता दिगो सम्बन्ध कायम गर्न, राष्ट्रको समृद्धि बढाउन र सांस्कृतिक सम्बन्ध जोगाउनका लागि जारी ज्ञापन पत्र

Dear Prime Minister Oli,

We are writing on behalf of Nepali diaspora members who strongly believe in the need for a comprehensive policy change regarding dual citizenship by descent for members of the Nepali diaspora community. We believe that granting dual citizenship to the Nepali diaspora would not only strengthen their connection to our nation but also foster greater economic, social, and cultural ties.

Nepali diaspora community has played a significant role in contributing to the economic development of Nepal. They have invested in businesses, sent remittances, and facilitated technology transfers, which have positively impacted Nepal's national economy. Granting dual citizenship to Nepali diaspora members would encourage them to further invest in our nation and actively participate in its growth and prosperity.

Moreover, dual citizenship would serve as a powerful symbol of inclusivity and recognition of the cultural and historical ties that connect the Nepali diaspora with our homeland. It would promote a sense of belonging and encourage greater engagement in cultural and educational exchange programs.

Furthermore, dual citizenship would ease the process for Nepali diaspora members to return and contribute their expertise in various fields, including education, healthcare, and technology, which are critical for our nation's development.

In light of these compelling reasons, we kindly request that your office consider drafting legislation or policy changes that would allow Nepali dual citizenship by descent for the Nepali diaspora community. This step would undoubtedly strengthen our nation's global presence and benefit both our motherland, Nepal and the Nepali diaspora.

We are willing to engage in further discussions and provide any necessary information to support this initiative. We believe that granting Nepali dual citizenship by descent to Nepali diaspora people would not only be a sound policy decision but also a gesture of appreciation for their immense contributions and a step towards fostering stronger ties with our global Nepali diaspora community.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. We look forward to your positive response.

​September 22, 2024

Yours sincerely,

Shree Prasad Parajuli

Milan Kumar Shahi

Pradeep Pariyar Thapa Magar

Nepali Diaspora Alliance (NDA)

नेपाली डायस्पोरा सन्जाल






वंसजको आधारमा दोहोरो नागरिकता ग्यारेण्टी गर

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Re: Petition for Nepali Dual Citizenship by descent to Foster Lasting Relationships, Boost Nation’s Prosperity, and Preserve Cultural Ties


To: Nepal Government,

Parliament of Nepal,


All Concerned Nepali Diaspora, Nepali Citizens and Stakeholders

Dear All Concerned Nepali Diaspora, Nepali Citizens and Stakeholders,

On behalf of 6+ millions Nepali Diaspora living abroad, who’re popularly known and, also called NRNs (Non-Resident Nepalis), we are writing this urgent and most consequential global Nepali diaspora petition for demanding Nepali Dual Citizenship by descent (वंशजको नाताको आधारमा दोहोरो नागरिकता), in other words, Continuation of Nepali Citizenship (नेपाली नागरिकताको निरन्तरता) status to Foster Lasting Relationships, Boost Nation’s Prosperity, and Preserve Cultural Ties to Nepal. Unfortunately, the current Constitution of Nepal (2015) and Nepal Citizenship Act 2063 with First Amendment Bill 2079 only provisioned Non-Resident Nepali Citizenship, a restrictive, prejudiced citizenship status which may be withdrawn or cancelled. That makes a Nepali Diaspora Non-Resident Nepali Citizenship holder who’s by descent a Nepali as stateless as he/she had to renounce citizenship of adopted country in order to obtain Non-Resident Nepali Citizenship. Whereas; Continuation of Nepali Citizenship (aka Nepali Dual Citizenship by descent) is decades long aspiration and demand of Nepali Diaspora NRNs from around the world. Therefore, we urge Nepal Government and all Stakeholders to guarantee it by amending current Nepal’s Constitution and Nepali Citizenship Act to ensure NRNs’ rightful demand is addressed as soon as possible.

We also kindly request all of concerned Nepalis, Nepali Diaspora NRNs and global friends your attention, support and consideration of this petition, which highlights the significant benefits of granting dual citizenship status to qualified Nepali diaspora individuals, as well as the many advantages it holds for developing and small countries like ours. As all Nepalis, we Nepali Diaspora NRNs also hold Nepal dear to our hearts that we dream of returning one day and contribute to the prosperity of our country.


What’s Dual Citizenship?

दोहोरो नागरिकता भनेको के हो ?

Dual citizenship, also known as dual nationality, refers to the legal status of an individual who is a citizen of two countries simultaneously without requiring renouncing either country’s citizenship. It’s unique and internationally recognized practice to give individuals sense of belonging to both countries. It allows individuals to retain a meaningful relationship with both- their home country and their adopted country, providing them with various opportunities, national bonding, rights, and responsibilities in both countries.


Here are some of the reasons why it is crucial to grant Nepali Dual Citizenship by descent status to Nepali Diaspora NRNs:

​नेपाली डायस्पोरा एनआरएनहरूलाई वंशजको आधारमा नेपाली दोहोरो नागरिकता दिनु किन महत्त्वपूर्ण छ, त्यसका केही कारणहरू यहाँ दिईएको छ:

1. Fostering Lasting Relationships:

​(दिगो सम्बन्धलाई बढावा दिन)

Dual citizenship strengthens the bond between individuals and their countries of origin. By recognizing their connection to both countries, dual citizens can actively participate in the good governance, social, and economic development of both nations. This increased engagement leads to a stronger sense of belonging and contributes to mutual understanding and cooperation between both countries.

2. Boosting Our Nation’s Prosperity:

(राष्ट्रको समृद्धि बढाउन)

Dual citizenship status can have a positive impact on the economy and wholesome prosperity of Nepal. It’s known fact that dual citizens often possess diverse skills, knowledge, wealth and experiences gained from living in different countries. By allowing them to invest, work, and start businesses in their home and adopted countries, dual citizenship fosters entrepreneurship, innovations, healthy competitiveness and overall economic growth. Furthermore, dual citizens often maintain strong ties to their home country, making them potential investors, goodwill ambassadors, excellent diplomats, soulful visitors/tourists, and promoters of bi-lateral relationship, trade and commerce between two nations. Remittance is another factor Nepal needs to maintain ties to its citizens who go abroad and settled down for good. According to World Bank estimate, Nepali diaspora NRNs send remittance equivalent of 22.8 percent of Nepal’s GDP.


3. Preserving Cultural Ties with Future Generations:

(भावी पुस्ताहरुसंग सांस्कृतिक सम्बन्धको संरक्षण गर्न)

Dual citizenship is vital for maintaining cultural ties, ancestral connections and heritage to their posterity. By granting dual citizenship, we ensure that our future generations can retain a strong connection to their roots, language, culture, traditions, and values. This preservation of cultural diversity enhances social cohesion, promotes multiculturalism, mutual respect and enriches the fabric of our society for generations to come.

4. Encouraging Citizens to Stay Engaged:

(नागरिकहरूलाई संलग्न रहन प्रोत्साहित गर्न)

By allowing Nepali diaspora NRNs to hold dual citizenship status without forcing them to renounce, we recognize the global nature of migration and the opportunities it brings. There is universally known fact that many of the brightest citizens from developing and small countries like ours seek better prospects in developed nations. In fact, currently, more than two thousands Nepali youths are leaving their home country every day. According to the Nepal Government’s Department of Foreign Employment, over 600,000 Nepali youths left the country during the fiscal year 2022/23. This Brain Drain phenomenon adversely affects the prosperity of the country like ours but it will be reversed by granting dual citizenship status which encourages them to maintain ties with their home country even after acquiring citizenship elsewhere. These individuals can contribute to the growth and development of their home country through investments, knowledge transfer-Brain Gain, philanthropy, and even eventually returning to their country of origin with newfound expertise and wealth.


In light of these compelling and well-founded facts, we kindly request your support in advocating for the implementation of dual citizenship provisions and policies in current Nepali Constitution and Nepali Citizenship Act.


We strongly believe that dual citizenship status will not only benefit those Nepali Diaspora NRNs who obtain it but will also greatly contribute to the overall progress, prosperity and well-being of Nepal. Therefore, we sincerely hope you will consider provisioning it, signing this global Nepali diaspora petition and take the necessary steps to initiate global discussions, engage relevant stakeholders, and work towards implementing dual citizenship policies that reflect the spirit of inclusivity, global interconnectedness, and shared aspiration of all Nepali Diaspora NRNs.


Thank you for your time and attention to this consequential issue which affects all of us Nepali Diaspora NRNs and our future generations. We look forward to a positive response and we will keep you updated with additional information to advance this noble cause.

Yours sincerely,

Shree Prasad Parajuli

Milan Kumar Shahi

Pradeep Pariyar Thapa Magar

Nepali Diaspora Alliance (NDA)

नेपाली डायस्पोरा सन्जाल

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